(18 minutes, 1 of 3)
In this video, Dr. Simone Himbeault Taylor and Amy Homkes-Hayes describes how the University of Michigan transitioned from a project focused on student pathways for social justice education (within and beyond classrooms) to a transformative integrative pedagogy reaching all facets of the student experience. What is the intersection of integrative learning process and eportfolio product? How does Student Life function as both the place for students to apply their learning, and make meaning of that application? This video describes how we discern "the what, the so what, and the now what."
"How does this connect to your academic experience, to who you are, your beliefs and values, to your identities that you embody? What does this mean in the context of where you're going?"
In this video, Dr. Simone Himbeault Taylor and Amy Homkes-Hayes describes how the University of Michigan transitioned from a project focused on student pathways for social justice education (within and beyond classrooms) to a transformative integrative pedagogy reaching all facets of the student experience. What is the intersection of integrative learning process and eportfolio product? How does Student Life function as both the place for students to apply their learning, and make meaning of that application? This video describes how we discern "the what, the so what, and the now what."
"How does this connect to your academic experience, to who you are, your beliefs and values, to your identities that you embody? What does this mean in the context of where you're going?"
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