Thursday, August 18, 2016

Decoding the Beloit Mindset List

Typical of most years, Beloit College has announced its "Mindset List" for the collegiate class of 2020. Like most years, the Beloit list reflects the thoughts of its writers (all Boomer Generation) rather than our college incoming students (among the last of the Millennial Generation).

If you want to read Beloit's list, the link is here:

If you want some listings a bit closer to the students (and how those of us beyond college connect with them), here are a few tidbits:

Students have never known a world with Frank Sinatra, Florence Joyner, Phil Hartman, Sonny Bono, Tammy Wynette, Stokely Carmichael/Kwame Ture, or Carl Wilson.

Students have always been able to Google something.

Students don’t remember a world without Facebook.

The only connection students have to Camelot is Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg.

Donald Trump has always been involved in bankruptcy action. Hillary Clinton has always been a public official. Bill Clinton is remembered primarily as a political spouse. 

Students barely remember a car concept called Saturn.

Hate crimes legislation has always been a subject of debate, with Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. as inspirational figures.

Students have never known a Winter Olympics without Curling. For that matter, they’ve never seen both Winter and Summer Olympics in the same year. 

There have always been tobacco settlement dollars as part of US state appropriations.

Quebec has always been declaring independence from Canada.

Judge Judy has always been reigning over afternoon court.

Madonna has always been a mom. For that matter, Eminem and Madonna have invitations to parents’ weekend for their honor roll daughters. 

These students have no native memory of 9/11.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Integrative Learning in Student Life Part III

(9 minutes, 3 of 3)
In this video, Amy Homkes-Hayes describes several examples of ways in which Integrative Learning or MPortfolios are being applied in action. The questions given to the audience are worthy of your engagement as well:
"What opportunities do you recognize for your area to strengthen integrative learning with students?"
"Are there ways for your area to strengthen existing integrative learning initiatives in Student Life?
"What support from the Student Life Integrative Learning Initiative Team would help your area begin to 'move the needle' on integrative learning?"
Roger Fisher, Associate Director of the Program on Intergroup Relations, suggests several points of reflection and sharing for Student Life units and leadership.

Integrative Learning in Student Life Part II

(15 minutes, 2 of 3)
In this video, Dr. Patricia Gurin, Dr. Martha Kirpes, student Praveen Loganathan, and UC 170 Co-Coordinator Scott Kohen, describe the application of Integrative Learning pedagogy and the MPortfolio tool in the context of UC 170: "Making the Most of Michigan." This course integrates the variety of interventions first year students participate in, learning about leadership and the college experience, and integrative portfolio pedagogy into a reflective whole. This learning helps first year students intentionally navigate their Michigan experience in varied contexts in and outside of the classroom. Engaged Learning Partnerships Director Shari Robinson-Lynk describes the application of integrative pedagogy into a cross-university service learning initiative.

"Is this just something that happens at UM, or is this something that I will continue on into my work experience? The answer is 'yes'."

Integrative Learning in Student Life Part I

(18 minutes, 1 of 3)
In this video, Dr. Simone Himbeault Taylor and Amy Homkes-Hayes describes how the University of Michigan transitioned from a project focused on student pathways for social justice education (within and beyond classrooms) to a transformative integrative pedagogy reaching all facets of the student experience. What is the intersection of integrative learning process and eportfolio product? How does Student Life function as both the place for students to apply their learning, and make meaning of that application? This video describes how we discern "the what, the so what, and the now what."

"How does this connect to your academic experience, to who you are, your beliefs and values, to your identities that you embody? What does this mean in the context of where you're going?"

Forecasting Student Life Research and Assessment Part III

(16 minutes, 3 of 3)
What will our next generation of students, the Global Generation, bring to our campuses? What will their parents bring? In this video, Dr. Malinda Matney describes how generation theory suggests the pathway ahead for creating and measuring learning environments for the Global Generation, for their parents, and for their home communities. She describes what this means for the future of Student Life and for the future of the whole residential university education experience.

"Students are parents' greatest investment: Financially, temporally, and spiritually."

Forecasting Student Life Research and Assessment Part II

(12 minutes, 2 of 3)
How did the University of Michigan transform to a research and assessment culture in Student Life? How has student affairs nationally taken on this challenge of studying new ways of teaching and learning? In this video, Dr. Malinda Matney describes how we must turn from thinking of learning as only the classroom or only as bits and pieces and see learning as students do: As one comprehensive university experience.

"We want to be role models in the ways that we ask students to take risks, to take chances, to learn."

Forecasting Student Life Research and Assessment Part I

(15 minutes, 1 of 3)
Why do we measure learning in Student Life? What is a learning experience? In this video, Dr. Malinda Matney describes the history of work in Student Life (and nationally in student affairs and student learning theory) studying how and where students learn. She describes the fundamental role of Dr. Eric Dey nationally and at Michigan in studying the intersections of students' lives.

"If we say our work can't be measured, then we say our work can't matter."
Incorrect test answer